[This site of the late Ron Resch was restored by Mitya Miller from the web fetch copy provided by Erik Demaine, with permission from his son Yon Resch and guidance provided by Robert J. Lang. If you spot any missing or broken links or images, please report them.]
Poly-Plodes, anamation — Ron Resch Official Website
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Poly-Plodes, anamation

A general theory of a generic, kinematic transformation of all polyhedra conceived by Ron Resch ca. 1960, and appearing in limited examples in "The Ron Resch Paper and Stick Film" 1966, and the last scene of animation in "The Cube's Transformation" 1979. [both are on my DVD] The animation shown here was programmed for Resch in Mathematica by George Hart in 2008. See: /ronresch/ron-resch-product-catalog