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Sponsored R&D
1982-1984 Principal Investigator of a $200,000.00 grant from
the System Development Foundation
for a research program titled "Constructive Geometry Languages".
This man/machine research program addressed
the fundamental problems of input i.e. modeling; and the real-time
interaction issues of dealing with computer simulated models.
1976-1978 Grant from NASA for "Innovative Concepts in Large Area
Space Structures." ($33,000.00).
1974-1975 A $15,000.00 "Individual Grant" from
the National Endowment for the Arts for
the development of computer assisted sculptural
and architectural forms.
1970-1975 A principal investigator under the University of Utah
Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Information Processing Techniques Office, Department of Defense;
contract in the area of: computer graphics, computer aided
geometrical design, computer modeling.
(My section of the contract was $380,000.00.)
1968-1969 A $12,000.00 grant from the American Iron and Steel Institute
for model fabrication and structural analysis of a dome of my design
in conjunction with Professors Ting and Brightbill of
the University of Illinois, Urbana.
1968 Grant from the Bell and Howell Company to do computer animation
of their new B and H 8 mm. motion picture camera
(Equipment donation equal to $5,000.00).
1967 Grant from Container Corporation of America to develop paper forms
that "dramatize the structural and decorative use of paper"
for use in the "Made with Paper" exhibition. ($6,000.00)